Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Morning Before A Brazillian Wax

Zucche di classe

Halloween is the name of a party typically American and Canadian which is celebrated on the evening of October 31.
Its ancient origins are derived da tradizioni europee che vengono fatte risalire a quando le popolazioni tribali usavano dividere l’anno in due parti in base alla transumanza del bestiame.
Nel periodo fra ottobre e novembre, a causa dell’imminente arrivo dell’inverno, era necessario trovare per il bestiame,  un luogo caldo ed accogliente che gli consentisse di affrontare, nel migliore dei modo, la stagione fredda.
In Europa invece, questa festività si diffuse grazie ai Celti, un insieme di popoli indoeuropei che tra il IV ed il III sec. a.C. erano estesi in una vastissima area dell’Europa.
I Celti credevano che i morti facessero visita ai vivi durante the night and were not afraid, much to leave them food on the table as a sign of welcome.
The Celts while not fearing the demons, rather they believed in fairies and the elves, considered the most dangerous creatures of the same demons: the first because it was thought they had a grudge against humans, the latter to the extreme and obvious physical and behavioral differences with men.
It probably relates to this tradition and today's latest for which children, dressed as witches, zombies, ghosts and vampires knock on the door screaming with a threatening tone: "Trick or treat?".
To ward off bad luck, it is also necessary to knock on 13 different ports.
The name "Halloween" is ideal for historical reasons related to religion, to a double meaning, the first is "All Hallows Eve," which means "Eve of All Saints", or "Eve of the Feast of All Saints' Day which occurs, in fact, on 1 November, the second "All Allows even", meaning "the night when everything is allowed," including leaving the dead from their graves to visit the living.
Hence the custom of trick-or-treat (in Italian " trick or treat? ).

Source: BHG and Wikipedia


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