Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Can U Paint A Microwave?

Premio Nobel al padre della fecondazione umana assistita

The importance of the words: assisted human reproduction is in the perception of some people - Catholics, for example - other than artificial insemination human . Position to which being against something.

I still remember the skepticism of my grandmother when in 2005 trying to convince people to vote for 4 referendum on the abrogation Law 40, said: " c'amma ago cu sti artificial things? . But although my grandmother lived in the real referendum in Italy, when people, women (!) Were busy in order to advance this nation on the civil level, however, has 70 years, and if the priest from the pulpit says not to vote for things "artificial," she does (episodes actually occurred during the campaign).

But I told myself that yes, my grandmother was understandable, but the Italians would vote, just enough to challenge a law that " water on all sides ", said the scholars. The referendum was a failure (yet another failure).

What impressed me so much to us the thesis of the first degree in Sociology.
He had failed the instrument had won the referendum or the 'no'?
The referendum is a blunt instrument and has no face of the collapse of its political participation. As if "yes" and "no" a race on crutches and the other bike.

Yesterday was awarded the Nobel prize for medicine Robert Edwards father of the technique to date has enabled the creation of 4 million children around the world. In test tube, yes, but children, children of parents che altrimenti non avrebbero potuto metterli al mondo.

La Chiesa attacca e bolla la scelta del Nobel come "Fuori luogo" .

E' davvero il Nobel ad essere fuori luogo? O è il momento che la Chiesa si sintonizzi sulla realtà e guardi alle cose senza preconcetti?


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