Thursday, October 14, 2010

Artiste Scott Kay Nexus Helzberg

Dulcis in fundo

Lovin ' Ikea! What should I do?
going crazy every time I go there, I get lost among the thousands of little things to see and touch e. \u200b\u200b.. The mites go away like nothing.
Alas ... serves no useful themselves that you can not buy this and that ... that and this ... because he won so much the desire to bring home as much as possible.
I do not think anyone ever came to ' Ikea and came out with nothing in his hands.
That said, I liked very much the advertising campaign for Ikea Food by Forsman & Bodenfors ... the balance I added myself.

Source: of sweets 'Ikea \u200b\u200b and Lazybone


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