Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Chikan Movies Japanese

I dubbi sono mille ... dirlo o non dirlo ... lo dico!

Today I started hormone therapy ... I wait a month full of physical and mental stress, but now it is decided, everything is planned by the Centre for Assisted Reproduction and the first week of My explanted oocytes in December, will try to get them ... fall in love ... in the laboratory with spermatozooi my husband and then I will be replanted in the same week ... after this step that remains is to cross your fingers, be optimistic, but keep our feet on the ground.
's all clear not! So why do I have an exaggerated fear?!
The fact is that I do not feel ready, but it is still too fragile a passing train after two years of waiting and I can not lose, I want to do because I prefer not to have regrets and would postpone this burden to carry around for months and then add to anxiety 'anxiety.
It 's hard but they did many women, I'm just a number in the middle of a sea of \u200b\u200bpeople with problems like mine, I'm nobody to have more fear than others, and in fact do not believe it but the years have their weight behind.
Before today, I've never been afraid of anything in the last four years I've been facing with determination and never complain, I'm holding in pain, doubts and fears not to give more concern to my husband (an angel) and the people I love and who lived with us the difficult years and my unexpected collapse.
This time I fear, so much afraid that I may ask?
I often wonder who would not be afraid in my place and a bit 'I console myself because I am sure that they are complex mechanisms to metabolize, used to the idea that your body is violently bombarded by cure very strong without being sure that everything goes well, it is hard to accept but not I complain and go forward.
The above is what I feel but still I consider myself lucky because I have a chance to try it, get help from science, even though the success rate is 15% ... But there's virtually nothing this small chance and I want to try it, I love my husband, he is my strength and at the same address and overcome everything, however things go.
vent No. 122567696654987 ....


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