Friday, November 5, 2010

List Of Shiny Pokemon On Pearl

Il marchese P.

Il marchese P. è un personaggio molto particolare che ha fatto parte della cerchia di amicizie della mia famiglia per tantissimi anni. 
In seguito ad un  matrimonio failed, and two children, father, I always thought it too extravagant because of his artistic skills and unreliable because of his need to withdraw from public life for long periods a year and a day of many years ago, he packed up and moved from his hometown to live on rent and so much loneliness in a beautiful house on a hill facing the sea, leaving behind miles of land and many miles.
Since then, about half of the 70s, he devoted his life to reading, gardening and his beloved dogs over the years that followed and loved him unconditionally, recognizing him as il lato più umano e nobile che nulla aveva a che fare con il titolo nobiliare.
Il marchese P. , come amava farsi chiamare, mi colpì sempre  per la sua straordinaria cultura, contornata a momenti da un'aria da esuberante sognatore e in altri da quella di un  malinconico eremita, questo altalenarsi di stati d'animo e umori non sempre comprensibili, spesso mi fece pensare che le storie raccontate non fossero altro che frutto della sua fervida fantasia.
Nonostante nulla, da altre fonti,  fosse  mai trapelato del suo glorioso passato, delle innumerevoli avventure amorose con signorine e signore della Forlì bene degli anni '50 e '60, degli spettacoli teatrali in cui si esibiva starring as both actor and opera singer, never put no doubt in his stories, each made any particular compelling story, worthy of a bestseller, and I listened to everything with great interest.
I appreciated the intention of telling him not to captivate his audience but for the taste, sometimes bitter, to remember events, episodes and anecdotes that color his life before the big turning point.
Often, when I went to his house to visit him, I always tried with the look of the picture but I've never seen one, he has always maintained that the memories worthy of being counted among the significant, remain etched in memory and is not necessary immortalarli perchè si corre il rischio di tralasciarne altri più importanti solo per non avere costantemente in tasca la macchina fotografica, a suo dire, questo finirebbe per falsare la storia personale di ognuno di noi.
...Pensandoci bene molti di noi hanno una foto che ci ritrae in una piazza accanto ad una  fontana e magari non abbiamo una foto con il nonno mentre ci insegna ad  andare in bicicletta...
Comunque...un giorno mi parlò della prima di un'opera lirica, che si tenne in un importante teatro di Bologna dove lui esordì  come tenore, mi raccontò tutto nei minimi dettagli accennando anche qualche nota, mi confidò che quello fu lo spettacolo più importante della sua vita  because none of his noble family tolerate the fact that he concedesse art without the slightest thought to the fact that doing so would inevitably shine removed all'altisonante noble title.
Stubborn and proud, he decided not to be influenced by anyone, studied his part to perfection and packed for the occasion was made by a sewing craft, a coat of green silk velvet in '58 was a real treat, I described it from top to bottom: the color of the lining, the shape of the pockets, the golden label of tailoring, buttons expensive and wearing the perfect fit with a posture like a true gentleman. At
certo punto del racconto, mentre mi elencava  gli ospiti celebri intervallando i nominativi a esilaranti aneddoti legati ai  momenti concitati nel retropalco, si soffermò ad osservare la mia espressione, quella di una persona completamente rapita dal racconto ed  intenta ad immaginare ogni singolo dettaglio, così... si alzò di scatto e mi disse : "Scusa un attimo, per te posso farlo".
Dopo qualche minuto tornò con in mano la sua giacca di velluto di seta verde, che dopo oltre 40 anni era ancora splendida e luminosa nonostante i tantissimi anni trascorsi al buio in un armadio colmo di naftalina; finalmente una prova tangibile di una delle sue tante avventure, qualcosa da toccare che mi riportasse his past and live for even a moment the thrill of those moments and indelible that both had marked him.
I gave way to look at the jacket cover and a thousand times, I was fascinated by a hand sewn, perfect buttonholes as the two eyes that see the light after so many years, that indescribably soft velvet and a deep green as much as that night, the Theatre of Bologna, in that far in January of 1958 ... what to say, I have dreamed, imagined, and enjoyed the applause Ovato final in my hands as I held that little piece of history of the past, but from my distant past relived like I was there, one of the many spectators present, and excited.
night before to greet him, he said, "But do not take my jacket, I'd be happy if you took the old because they are, certainly when I'm gone will end up in the garbage and I wish you will do something so that it is forever, I never required to keep photos, letters, gifts, but this jacket is very important to me and I would be happy to give it to you today because someone has never before devoted so much time and interest to my stories. "
I was wordless, struck by what looked happy for a few hours, in his own words, he had found a way to get away from loneliness, to relive a positive, that speaks like a grandfather to a grandson, the stories made him the man I knew.
I took the jacket with enormous fear and embarrassment, I felt that load of responsibility and trust placed in me like a mountain on his shoulders, but I did not want to disappoint him.
got home I watched the last detail and I realized that every year in the closet had been ruined in several places so the fabric to make pockets, collar, cuffs and edges damaged by the long period spent in a door jacket canvas too tight in the long run had ruined the velvet until it "bald." I decided to not want to put back in the closet waiting for wear out of everything, so, cut out completely, eliminai l'interno e le parti rovinate e ne ricavai degli scampoli meravigliosi.
Con quella stoffa in mano ebbi modo di pensare a lungo e mi ricordai che il marchese P. fiero della sua vita da artista un po' folle, poeta incompreso e uomo perennemente in contrasto con il concetto d'amore, padre di figli venali quanto anaffettivi, non rimpiangeva nulla se non un Natale trascorso in famiglia.
Mi disse che da bambino erano le tate a prendersi cura di lui mentre i genitori erano intenti a ricevere ospiti e parenti per il cenone della vigilia,  e da adulto aveva sposato una  donna che non amava festeggiare il Natale e l'albero o il presepe erano banditi da casa perchè fonte  di polvere e disordine...
Da quel momento onwards, it was clear in my mind that I used that lovely velvet with the absolute will to make as much as possible and make it a symbol, the cross-section of life lived, of an extraordinary person.


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