Wednesday, August 25, 2010

What Does The Chalice Mean

Agopuntura nella Sindrome da Iperstimolazione Ovarica

La Sindrome da Iperstimolazione Ovarica (OHSS) è una potenziale serious side effect caused by drugs administered during treatments that are part of the Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ART).

Although the syndrome occurs in only 3-5% of women undergoing Assisted Reproduction Techniques (ART) , acupuncturists specializing in infertility treatment have to do with this syndrome with increased frequency, because women who undergo acupuncture treatments often fall into that category of patients who are susceptible to this syndrome (OHSS).

If Acupuncturists are able to identify the occurrence of OHSS in a phase very early, most cases of mild to moderate can be treated successfully by acupuncture relieve the discomfort that can grow in size, preventing the development of a form of severe OHSS and to allow the transfer of embryo takes place.

In difficult cases acupuncture can help relieve many of the symptoms more severe in combination with traditional medical treatment. If the patient comes into pregnancy, when the syndrome still persists, hormones can drastically affect the symptoms. Acupuncture in this case is an extremely valuable tool to help the patient overcome the which otherwise could be a very difficult first quarter.

If you are interested in using acupuncture in the treatment of Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome and treatment of infertility you can contact Dr. Emily Giumetti, doctor Expert in acupuncture and homeopathy. Receive a Macerata (MC) and Star Monsampolo (AP). For information: By appointment: 347.3790936


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