Sunday, August 15, 2010

Relationship Ticker For Myspace


stress involved in some sort of infertility momentary

Sometimes behind the difficulty of conceiving and becoming pregnant, there can be stress rather than fertility problems.

is increasingly under fire stress; mplicato in the most diverse manifestations of symptoms and disease in many "modern" now really wants to put a spoke in the wheels of those who want to become pregnant. Yes, according to a new study, high levels of stress can delay pregnancy.

is what is suggested by researchers at Oxford University (UK), which after testing some biomarkers of stress on a group of 274 women healthy aged between 18 and 40 years, they concluded that high levels an indicator of the levels of adrenaline in the body (alpha-amylase) decrease by 12% the possibility of becoming pregnant.

Women Study participants were all involved in trying to get pregnant naturally. These companies were taken a sample of saliva to detect the presence of certain hormones known to be a significant stress condition, in particular cortisol and adrenaline.

The results of the study, published in the journal Fertility and Sterility , showed that women with higher levels of alpha-amylase could be seen to significantly reduce the probability of conception in the fertile days rather than women who showed low levels of this indicator. The presence of the various measures of the other hormone, cortisol, was found not shown to produce differences in the odds of getting pregnant.

"The study supports the idea that couples who are trying to have a child should try to be" calm. " In some cases relaxation techniques like yoga could help, "concludes Dr Cecilia Pyper co-author of the study. ( lm&sdp ) Articolo tratto da

Se sei interessata ad impiegare l’Agopuntura nella terapia dell'Infertilità puoi contattare il Dr. Emiliano Giumetti, medico Esperto in Agopuntura e Omeopatia. Riceve a Macerata (MC), San Benedetto del Tronto (AP) e Stella di Monsampolo (AP). Per informazioni: Per appuntamento: 347.3790936


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