Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Leimo Hair Does It Work


In this post is my intention to thank all the men who written on the mailbox. I want to thank them for beautiful words and phrases to support. These expressions of affection and respect (for his work) made me enormously pleasure. The least I can do is reciprocate ...

Continue to write numerosi.
Appena avrò tempo risponderò alle vostre E-mail.
Un caloroso saluto a tutti i miei lettori.


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Does Andy Sixx Have A Kid


NEWS 2000 - Libero -
Speciale: Il muscolo è donna
Quando il gentil sesso sa fare anche il sesso forte:dal pugilato alle dive "forzute" della tv
Sono forti, decise e sicure di sé e, particolare non trascurabile, ai maschietti piacciono. Alla faccia di chi con un pizzico di cinismo le definisce androgine o addirittura maschiacce. Lo avevano evidenziato una ricerca di pochi mesi fa e un nostro sondaggione, che aveva incoronato "donna più bella del mondo" Angelina Jolie, diventata una star nei panni di Lara Croft, il prototipo della maschiaccia con atteggiamenti da dura e colpi di karate che nemmeno il Chuck Norris dei tempi belli...
Qui non si sta parlando delle culturiste ipermuscolose o delle Drag King, ma di quelle donne che, sfoderando un fisico ben Spun and character were soon put to practice activities that until recently were considered to be intended only for the gentlemen, and those other women that men, instead of taking them with forms Juno, take them with the muscles. That is to say in the first category include many sports, the second a few "characters" of the show.
Before athletics, then football, then even boxing, rugby, kickboxing, bodybuilding, weightlifting and wrestling are colored pink.
is not yet known exactly how many girls in Italy put on the gloves, but Federpugilato un paio di anni fa parlava di centinaia di atlete che volevano salire sul ring: poco in confronto a Russia (1200 atlete), Finlandia (1000) e Francia, Svezia e Norvegia (400), ma il numero è in continua crescita. Alcune delle nostre tengono alta la fama di combattività delle italiane: l'umbra Maria Moroni è infatti diventata campionessa mondiale dei piuma e la milanese Stefania Bianchini combatte con successo nella kickboxing, tante altre hanno portato a casa titoli e premi grazie a un fisico portentoso, ma tutte senza rinunciare a nemmeno un pizzico della propria femminilità. Così come la giovanissima Giusy Pagliaro, fresca campionessa europea di sollevamento pesi.
Senza poi counting those who practice disciplines like pole vault, shot put, javelin, not exactly graceful and delicate as nature and impose stereotypes, but they do not renounce to take to the platform even with the nail polish and hair down ' latest fashion or footballers capable of drawing "action men" on the green rectangle like to pose for risque photo shoots, or even athletes like the Dutch that their muscles, not just those, made them see in a nude calendar as Veline agrees to that abide them.
But there are also celebrities who, with the intention to maintain the line and give a firmer forms are revenue in the gym sessions in the river fully equipped gyms, diets and rejuvenating massage, and behold, the star of the small screen becomes a bomb bursting with health forced from every pore. The most striking and fresh is to Carmen Russo, who has movie star plus trash eighties became a showgirl breasted yes, but nothing short of brilliant in form and on the 'Island of the Famous "has shown, as they say, to have "balls".
And with her other TV starlets like Caldonazzo, Jane Alexander and Pamela Prati: of course, can not be put in the "tomboy" by the mere fact of having a physical tonic, but when they appear in small screen does not go unnoticed in comparison with other dive skin, bones and silicone. To be clear, have neither the squaring of a physical Floriana Big Brother or least of all the rough ways of Pink, Avril Lavigne or Skin: girls with whom it is better not get to come to blows.
Massimo Mencaglia
02 \\ 12 \\ 2003
SOURCE: http://news2000.libero.it/speciali/sp117/pg1.html

Monday, December 1, 2008

Ultimate I Spy A Paper


TORINO - One year has passed, but in Turin has not diminished the pain and anger in the memory of the terrible fire at the ThyssenKrupp plant in which, on the night of December 6, killed seven workers, one on the spot, others in hospital after an agony. and prepare to live a week in memory of Antonio Schiavone, Angelo Laurino, Robert Scola, Rocco Marzo, Anthony Santino, Rosario Rodino and Giuseppe Demasi, the seven broken lives hell broke out in the fifth line of the steel.
no waiting for the process in Corte d'Assise, prima udienza il 15 gennaio, con l'amministratore delegato Harald Espenhanh sul banco degli imputati con la pesante accusa di omicidio volontario ed altri cinque dirigenti che dovranno rispondere di omicidio colposo. Prima del dibattimento in aula, però, sarà il tempo delle commemorazioni ufficiali e del tristissimo anniversario per familiari, amici delle vittime, compagni di lavoro. Si comincerà venerdì pomeriggio con l'inaugurazione della mostra fotografica "Torino-Terni. Un viaggio nell'acciaio", dedicato ai due stabilimenti italiani della Thyssen.
Lo stesso titolo avrà il il documentario trasmesso in serata alla Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo. Sabato 6 un corteo attraverserà la città di Torino, dal centro fino alla fabbrica, in corso Regina Margherita. Al mattino una messa in memoria delle sette vittime verrà celebrata al Cimitero Monumentale di Torino dove sono sepolti i sette operai. Il sindaco Sergio Chiamparino parteciperà alla posa di una corona in memoria di tutti i caduti sul lavoro. Altre messe verranno celebrate domenica 7 dicembre a Nichelino, dove viveva una delle vittime, Bruno Santino, e al santuario di Santa Maria Ausiliatrice. Il ricordo vivrà anche con un concerto straordinario del Teatro Regio, una mostra fotografia, un torneo di calcio a 5, un murales nel centro di Torino lungo 43 metri. Nel frattempo, proseguono le indagini dell'altro filone d'inchiesta, nel quale i dirigenti sono indagati per lo stress experienced by workers who survived the fire: panic attacks, insomnia, depression, suffered by workers who saw their colleagues turned into human torches. The lawyers for the multinational steel preparing to move the trial, arguing that it was "exaggerated" the thesis upheld by the court preliminary hearing which decided the trial of leaders of ThyssenKrupp. The tragedy of ThyssenKrupp will be remembered not only in Turin: Arona, Lake Maggiore, next Saturday will be 140 meters long created an installation dedicated to workplace fatalities, with a hundred white overalls and the names of all victims in Italy in 2008.
30 \\ 11 \\ 2008
SOURCE: http://www.ansa.it/opencms/export/site/notizie/rubriche/daassociare/visualizza_new.html_821506196.html

How Many Inches Is The Hymen


NAPLES - A worker of a company carrying out work on behalf of the State Railways died electrocuted while performing work in the central railway station.
Ciro Cozzolino, 31, was performing maintenance work near the track 19 when has been struck by an electric shock while he was at a height of 4-5 meters.
Useless relief from the staff of 118 who tried to revive him. Virtually unscathed another worker.
on site, in addition to 118 were made by the firefighters and staff of the Railway Police. The 'workers employed by a contractor outside of Italian Railway (FS Group), engaged in the renewal of the power line trains, not affected by the Sept. 10 from rail traffic, as work is ongoing to platforms in the service of the tracks 18 and 19. RFI has opened an investigation to ascertain the exact dynamics incident.
Two workers were injured in the collapse of the facade of a building under renovation in the old town of Castiglione, (Mantova). was reported by the regional agency for the emergency urgency (Areu) of Lombardy. On site is an ongoing intervention by 118 of Mantua. The two workers were working on the scaffolding on the façade: one was transported by helicopter to Brescia, the other hospital in Mantova in code yellow.
There are currently ongoing monitoring through the rubble after the alert, da parte dei passanti, sulla possibilità che un' altra persona possa essere rimasta coinvolta nel crollo.
FONTE: http://www.ansa.it/opencms/export/site/visualizza_fdg.html_820611441.html

Reptile Cage Construction Plans


Ancora una vittima sul lavoro nell'agrigentino. Dopo la morte di un operaio avvenuta la scorsa settimana, questa mattina un altro operaio, Stefano Tarallo, 59 anni, è caduto a Raffadali mentre stava sistemando dei pannelli di copertura a shelter.
"It 's ironic that the same hour in which the vertices Inail Sicilian present data of 2008 in terms of accidents and safety at work in Agrigento a worker dies while working on a construction site to play. If you needed a confirmation of the size and drama of the phenomenon came the confirmation. " So Salvino Caputo, chairman of the productive activities of Ars.
"We are facing a real emergency - he adds - as most of the sites and places of work in Sicily on the margins of safety standards, and the illegal labor market continues to expansion facilitated by the limited enforcement staff.
"It 's obvious that - continues Caputo - Inail data provided regarding complaints of injury, even though they represent a negative trend compared to the average national, is distorted in that it contains all incidents that occur on construction sites and that are denounced not because the victims were workers who do not comply and often immigrati.Servono strict controls and penalties. "
26 \\ 11 \\ 2008
SOURCE: http://palermo.repubblica.it/dettaglio/Agrigento-muore-un-operaio-Stava-lavorando-ad-una-pensilina/1552538?ref=rephp

What T Owrite In A Baby Book


FROSINONE - A worker is in a coma after being dropped following the collapse of the floor of a restaurant in Ferentino, in the province of Frosinone. Man, Pierluigi Ciuffarella, 27, made a flight of five meters and the seriousness of his condition was elitrasportato the Policlinico Umberto I in Rome. transport occurred with a delay due to bad weather.
The man was putting the jacket on tetto del ristorante dei genitori. A provocare il crollo, con molta probabilità è stata l' abbondante pioggia che è penetrata all'interno dello stabile, al punto da spingere l'uomo a tamponare le infiltrazioni. Il volo di cinque metri è stato attutito dal controsoffito che lo ha prima bloccato e poi, sgretolatosi, lo ha fatto piombare all'interno della sala da ballo della pizzeria.
FONTE: http://www.ilmessaggero.it/articolo.php?id=36560&sez=HOME_ROMA

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Tempostretto.it e CISL invitano al convegno che si terrà domani alle 9.30 alla Provincia per denunciare la mancanza di sicurezza sul lavoro e che sarà possibile "guardare" grazie al reportage fotografico di Dino Sturiale
Previsto per domani, con inizio alle ore 9.30, nel Salone degli Specchi della provincia, il convegno dal titolo “Angeli senza ali. Sicurezza in pericolo” organizzato dalla redazione di Tempostretto.it e dalla CISL, per denunciare l'assoluta mancanza di sicurezza sui luoghi di lavoro, ormai purtroppo sotto gli occhi di tutti ma a cui nessuno cerca di porre rimedio. Nell'ultimo periodo i casi di cronaca in cui were killed several workers employed mostly in construction has, unfortunately, given the need for discussion and debate on the issue.
The initiative was inspired by a thorough photographic record made by our Dino Sturiale that, as has become usual, around the city with his inseparable camera, day after day has expanded photo gallery of writing with images testified unequivocally the absolute lack of safety at work Messina.
Hence the idea to make all participants, institutions, employees, readers and visitors to what captured by Sturiale: During the meeting it will be projected all the photographs that document the total absence of even minimum standards of safety on construction sites of our city. Images that allow you to better understand what the "why" of accidents, perhaps almost announced. One idea that has found the support of the CISL, with which it was organized the meeting.
E 'will be attended by delegates to the provincial work safety and health Renato Fichtner, manager of the Service of Occupational Medicine AUSL No 5 Teresa Carrara Messina, Elio Coletta Director of Provincial Labour Inspectorate of Messina, President regionale ANCE Salvatore Arcovito, dell'ing. Francesco Giacobbe ricercatore ISPESL e di Santino Barbera segretario Provinciale FILCA CISL Messina. Concluderà i lavori Tonino Genovese segretario Generale Provinciale della CISL di Messina. Gli interventi saranno coordinati da Pippo Trimarchi, editore del nostro quotidiano.
Al grido di “Basta con le morti bianche”, la redazione invita gli stessi lavoratori e chiunque volesse dare il proprio contributo, ad inviarci altre fotografie che verranno proiettate in occasione del convegno. Un appuntamento, quello di giorno 2 dicembre, tutt'altro che essere un punto di arrivo vuole invece rappresentare un trampolino di lancio verso una realtà che troppo often tries to ignore and perhaps more than being "spoken", the time has come to be "observed" in all its dangers. And just to demonstrate that attention to the problem will not go waning, is planning to build an internet portal managed by the ICFTU and drafting of Tempostretto that will be powered with photos, documents, testimonies, news, about safety at work. The site will serve as an interactive interface for the workers, the institutions, social forces, involved in the battle against the dead white.
01 \\ 12 \\ 2008
SOURCE: http://www.tempostretto.it/8/index.php?location=articolo&id_articolo=11612

Sunday, November 16, 2008

What Type Of Shoes Did Mrs Roper Wear


(IRIS) - ROMA, November 12 last ranking of the 'gender gap' published today by the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland has recovered some position with regard to the social divide between men and women but is still lagging behind Italy is passed dall'84esimo to 67th place in the list where the head There are Norway, Finland and Sweden and which sees the last places for almost complete absence of equal opportunities between women and men, Saudi Arabia, Chad and Yemen. We should also mention the German, 11th place, followed by the British, the 13th, the French (15th), from Spain (17th), and the Americans in 27th place. Best of Italy, in terms of differences between the sexes, and 'China too, rising wildly from 73rd to 57th place last anno.Nel We report the Forum explained that the improvement in the country charts and had "a significantly increased percentage of women parliamentarians, women managers and ministerial posts ", a factor which sees the country at 46th place. The disparity is not marked also with regard to the 'education for which Italy dates back to 43rd. It 's the work that expands the range: for participation in the Italian women down 85th place (the best are Chad and Belize) and collapse in 111esima position on equal pay. The data that emerge, Italian women earn $ 18,500 a year against 39,000 men.
12 \\ 11 \\ 2008
SOURCE: http://www.irispress.it/Iris/page.asp?VisImg=S&Art=9409&Cat=1&I=null&IdTipo=0&TitoloBlocco=Italia

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What Type Of Shoes Did Mr Roper Wear


child dies Suppressed by DUVET
Terlizzi (Bari) - E 'was almost certainly accidental, judging by a first inspection mortis, death of a child of just 10 months took place yesterday at noon in Terlizzi, in the province of Bari will be an autopsy, prepared for tomorrow by prosecutor Michael Ruggiero of the public prosecutor of Trani, to establish the cause of death.
will be an autopsy, ready for tomorrow by prosecutor Michael Ruggiero of the public prosecutor of Trani, to establish the cause of death.
The small, at about 12.30 he was in his cradle, and most likely climbed, leaned and fell with his face on the ground. Then his head got stuck in the duvet and the baby allegedly died of suffocation.
The father, who does the night shift at a large company in the capital, was resting at home while the mother was at work because they are employed. An initial examination of the little body ruled out the violent death.
police investigate the incident of the Society of Molfetta.
17 \\ 10 \\ 2008
SOURCE: http://www.lagazzettadelmezzogiorno.it/GdM_dallapuglia_NOTIZIA_PROV_01.asp?IDNotizia=213648&IDCategoria=1

What Taste Good With Boudin Sausage


E 'happened last night in Mortlake
UDINE worker dies, crushed by gears
The injury within the 'Lombardo Spa' which produces chipboard. La vittima aveva 56 anni. Secondo una prima ricostruzione l'uomo era intento al controllo delle operazioni di svuotamento di un silos quando, per cause in corso di accertamento, è caduto nel serbatoio
UDINE - Ancora una tragedia del lavoro, vittima un operaio di 56 anni. L'ennesimo infortunio è avvenuto alle due di questa notte a Mortegliano, in provincia di Udine, all'interno dello stabilimento della ditta 'Lombardo S.p.a.' che produce pannelli di truciolato.
The worker, Severino Zinzone, died crushed by the gears. According to a first reconstruction provided by the Carabinieri of Udine, dall'apposita platform was intended to control the emptying of silos used for the manufacture of chipboard, when, for reasons being ascertained, fell into the tank in the middle of the gears, dying instantly.
Personnel 118 Udine and fire brigade have taken to the recovery of body parts. The body was then reassembled at the mortuary of the cemetery at Mortlake, at the disposal of the Judiciary.
The silo was seized. On the site of the accident was taken to the operating unit safety and prevention of workplace health services company in Udine.
01 \\ 11 \\ 2008
SOURCE: http://www.adnkronos.com/IGN/Regioni/FriuliVeneziaGiulia.php?id=3.0.2662175049

Avi Mfc Application Has Stopped Working


ROME - A park in Rome titled Nicholas Blois, the 14 year old crushed by a tree during the storms of recent days. The decision was taken jointly by the Mayor Gianni Alemanno and the President of the X Hall, Sandro Medici. The affected area will be that of green rising on a Perpetual Mario Lucio, in the same district where the Tuscolano He lost his life.
06 \\ 11 \\ 2008
SOURCE: http://www.instablog.org/ultime/33257.html

What Can I Wear With A Full Leg Cast


two workers seriously injured in workplace accidents
BARI - rhymed The two workers involved in the incident at work in Bari are both seriously injured. At first firefighters had to know that one of them was dead. The two, 35 and 25 years, were dismantled when the structure of an elevator car with the counterweight sold falling from the fifth floor.
06 \\ 11 \\ 2008
SOURCE: http://www.instablog.org/ultime/33258.html

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

How Much Is The Pearl Worth


TRENTO - (Adnkronos) - Corrado Melchiorre, retired farmer 62enne Vigo di Ton, in Val di Non in Trentino, and 'dead in the night, following the crushing of the chest, to the overturning of the tractor he was driving along the narrow private road that runs from alpine to the country Boldrini. to discover the death this morning, the brother of the victim, who had heard the tractor uscire nella notte dal garage e poi non averlo visto rientrare in mattinata. Sembra che Melchiorre avesse smarrito delle carte ed, accortosi del fatto, si fosse recato sul luogo del probabile smarrimento per cercare di recuperarle. Sulla strada del ritorno, durante la discesa, le ruote del trattore sarebbero scivolate sulle foglie rese viscide dalle piogge recenti, provocando, appunto, il ribaltamento del mezzo agricolo. I rilievi sono stati operati dai carabinieri di Denno. Sul luogo sono intervenuti i vigili del fuoco del luogo e l'elicottero di Trentino Emergenza. I soccorritori non hanno potuto fare altro che constatare il decesso.
SOURCE: http://iltempo.ilsole24ore.com/adnkronos/?q=YToxOntzOjEyOiJ4bWxfZmlsZW5hbWUiO3M6MjE6IkFETjIwMDgxMTAzMTI0NzUwLnhtbCI7fQ ==

Monday, October 13, 2008

Recommendation Letter For Community Service

Chi Siamo

SHEN DAO Cultural Association of Udine was born from the experiment, communicate and disseminate new lines of approach to what may be the mental and physical balance of the human being through the practice techniques and disciplines to be relatively distant cultures such as East in general, or more akin to the Western world. The founders of the Association, Alessandro Bevilacqua, and Paul Moschi Diego rates, have completed together, in the second half of the '90s, the three-year training process operator Shiatsu and although following different paths that led them to further learning pathways, have sought and found in the Association, which has been operating since 2003, common ground to verify and supplement their experiences. For several years, the Association organizes courses for amateur Shiatsu, targeting those who want first hand approach to this discipline, while this year will also propose a Three-year professional course that will qualify for its completion, the entry to ' APOS and DBN (Shiatsu Operators Association of Professional Discipline and Bio-Nature) and the possible practice as a Shiatsu operator.
From May 2009 the Association is affiliated, as Amateur Sports Association, the CSEN which in turn is recognized by the CONI offering in this way, its members and associates, and guarantee greater protection of activities taking place within the association.

Nursing Qualities Essay

Che cos'è lo Shiatsu

Shiatsu in Japanese means literally "press with your fingers," and this essentially is performed during a Shiatsu treatment: The operator shall implement, on the body of the person who receives them lying on the ground on a "tatami" a range of pressures mainly are made with the thumb, but also with the other fingers, the palms of the hands, with fists and sometimes with the elbow or the knee. Pressure is made by alternating the position prone, supine, lateral or sitting position depending on the needs of the moment. Rarely these pressures are painful because this is not its purpose. This is not to intervene on a pathological condition or reduce a contracture or inflammation but rather to follow the path along the body of one or more meridians of energy involved in phase imbalance is not properly diffuse energy within their competence and can create the above situations. We have mentioned the word "meridians" because SHIATSU is certainly paying the full therapeutic culture represented by the Traditional Chinese Medicine through the mapping of the human body in 12 main meridians, plus other side, gives us an incredible framework for the interpretation of the concept of health and offers a variety of therapeutic methods the best known of which is certainly acupuncture. The analogy ends here, however, because if acupuncture is truly therapeutic act, shiatsu is offered as a source of support mechanism to ensure that the sophisticated human beings to find the strength and the ability to autoriequilibrarsi through the release of the tensions that impede it. The pressures are taken at right angles to the axis of SHIATSU corpo e vengono mantenute ciascuna per alcuni secondi e, con il particolare ritmo che assume il trattamento, possono provocare un lieve torpore a cui è consigliato di non opporsi. Rilassarsi è la parola d’ordine, solo così si avrà la possibilità di mettere in moto una serie di processi biochimici che attenueranno gli effetti dello stress continuo a cui siamo sottoposti, troppo spesso a nostra insaputa, oltre limiti pericolosi. Lo SHIATSU si riceve vestiti: è opportuno indossare abiti leggeri possibilmente senza cerniere o bottoni per non ostacolare l’azione dell’operatore. E’ meglio effettuarlo a digiuno o dopo uno spuntino leggero lontano comunque da caffè, alcolici o altre sostanze alteranti.E’ molto useful in pregnancy as well as in situations of emotional distress. Is not an alternative, indeed can be partly compensated for a possible drug therapy for those who receive it. (table extensions Masunaga meridian traditional)

Without further into the explanation of concepts related to energy distribution and its balance, difficult to conceive of the Western culture even if easily verifiable, as we highlight the contributions SHIATSU substantial and immediate benefits to the circulatory system as blood and this has an obvious action on the lymphatic drainage of excess fluids. E 'contra a chi ha forme degenerative gravi, ferite non rimarginate, a chi è nella fase acuta di un trauma o a chi ha febbre alta.Di solito occorrono 5\6 sedute per avvertire gli effetti benefici dello SHIATSU ma talvolta anche una sola può bastare a rendere l’idea. Accostatevi senza timore a questa pratica che riflette millenni di saggezza orientale diretta al benessere psicofisico dell’individuo.
Sarete sicuramente in “ buone mani”

( Massaggiatore Cinese di Anma probabilmente in una fumeria d'oppio - primi '900 )


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I Nostri Corsi


Programma Attività 2010-11

Corso Amatoriale di Shiatsu
Per un approccio concreto ad una tecnica per il proprio ed l’altrui benessere
Da martedì 19 ottobre 2010 dodici incontri serali ogni martedì sera dalle 20:00 to 22:30 for a total of 30 hours.
Training and diploma.
Friday, October 8, 2010 at 20:30 there will be a presentation evening started with free entry for all. And 'welcome confirmation of the presence.

Professional Course Shiatsu
Triennale 600 hours total
To acquire expertise in a complete growth path
From October 15 lessons alternate Saturdays for a total of 120 hours + 14 practical lessons on Thursday night assisted by alternate WE + other 28 hours of study for a total of 200 hours per year.

News 2010:

Nights Free Practice
For both professional and amateur practitioners from all sources.
opportunity to meet, exchange techniques and styles for all those who, despite having a wide knowledge of both minimum and Shiatsu, need a place to practice or be able to resume an interrupted journey.
The evenings will be held in the presence of an instructor.
Please contact us for more information
The enrollment Three-year professional membership card entitles you to APOS, the insurance is for those who practice it and those who receive the bimonthly magazine of the Living Arts - Shiatsu Do

Paul 3403391607 \\ 0432523383 - 3382992639

For more information, please contact us using the form side
courses, and the evening started on February 26, 2010, will be performed at a branch of the Association Via Molin Nuovo 58 - Tavares - loc. Cavalicco
(200 meters after coming from splashed around the Trattoria da Udine).
(see map)

View Larger Map

Friday, September 26, 2008

How To Find The Tension On A Tennis Racket

Corso Professionale

Taking care of yourself in order to care for others

Professional Course:

From October 2010 will start the Triennial Professional Course for a total of 600 hours teaching in front of 360 and 240 of assisted circulation. The course is aimed at those who want to make the shiatsu their profession and will run from October to May, two times a month on Saturdays and Sundays, alternating with full-time teaching and alternate Thursday evenings for practice assisted. The course meets the standards required dall'APOS-DBN, most associations of Shiatsu at the national level, and allows you to capture and qualification requirements for professional practice. E 'organized in collaboration with "the Other Fitness "in Padua, APOS school trustee and was led by qualified teachers and qualified. The program includes, in addition to the technical part, the practice of Do-In and preparatory exercises of their own and other-perception, the study of the basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Yin-Yang theory, the theory of Five Elements, the Six Levels energy, and Yu Shu points, the fundamental substance, the theory of Zang - Fu, the circadian clock with the rule Noon-Midnight and the Eight principles with the Four Rules Diagnostics) and the vision of Masunaga Meridians theory with its application. At the end of each year of teaching, in late May, the student will participate for aptitude per la frequenza dell’anno successivo o per il conseguimento dell’abilitazione dopo il terzo anno. Al termine di ogni anno, durante due W.E. di giugno, sono programmati dei seminari di approfondimento degli argomenti trattati. Sia gli esami annuali che i seminari si terranno presso la sede de “l’altra palestra” a Padova, in collegialità con allievi di altre scuole APOS del territorio nazionale.

Il corso è riconosciuto dall’APOS-DBN ed è svolto in collaborazione con “L’Altra Palestra” di Padova. Al raggiungimento del monte ore richiesto (600 ore per il triennio) verrà rilasciato un Attestato di Competenza Professionale. Al termine di ogni anno di studio le capacità dell’allievo verranno valutate in un esame teorico pratico che si svolgerà presso la sede
dell’ ”Altra Palestra” di Padova durante un WE a fine maggio. A contribuire al monte ore utile sono programmati 2 seminari estivi della durata complessiva di 6 giorni (ven. sab. dom.) durante il mese di giugno sempre nella sede di Padova. Ad ogni allievo verrà consegnato un Libretto Personale di Percorso in cui, con asseverazione della segreteria della scuola madre, verranno certificate le ore di frequentazione. Il costo annuale del corso è comprensivo di iscrizione APOS inclusi assicurazione infortuni ed RC 24 su 24 h. come socio studente-praticante con validità europea e diritto alla rivista trimestrale Shiatsu-Do. Comprende inoltre il diritto all’esame finale annuale (possibilità di pernottamento gratuito presso le strutture della palestra).
L’orario è dalle 9.00 alle 13.00 e dalle 14.30 alle 18.30. Queste date rappresentano le ore “frontali” obbligatorie di insegnamento a cui andranno sommate le ore di pratica per il raggiungimento delle 200 ore annuali e che saranno programmate, secondo le esigenze degli allievi e degli insegnanti, durante il corso.

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Corsi Preliminari: Amatoriale Propedeutico

Prendersi cura di sé
per poter prendersi cura degli altri

Corso Amatoriale Shiatsu
From Tuesday, March 1, 2011 will start the course and Amateur Propedeutico articulated in 12 evening meetings of 2.30 hours each. The course is aimed at those who want to learn Shiatsu, and its culture, from beginners, even in the eventual prospect of attending as a result of a deeper level. It 's a path essentially practical, even if they are given the main theoretical concepts on which Shiatsu is based, after which students will be able to complete treatment within families. At the beginning of each lesson will be conducted from time to time, short-movement exercises, relaxation and mental self-massage (Do-In), which l’allievo potrà poi eseguire anche da solo a casa per il suo beneficio e benessere.
A corredo dell’allievo viene consegnata, ad inizio corso, una dispensa esauriente sia sotto il profilo teorico che pratico. Al termine del corso verrà consegnato un Attestato di Partecipazione che potrà concorrere al raggiungimento del monte ore richiesto per un eventuale Formazione Professionale. Su richiesta potranno essere effettuate eventuali lezioni di recupero.
L’allievo dovrà munirsi di materassino fitness, di una coperta, di un piccolo cuscino e di un asciugamano.

Si richiede la massima puntualità ed il preavviso per l’eventuale assenza dalla lezione.

Monday, September 15, 2008

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Shiatsu tra Ben-Essere e Cultura Evolutiva

Tecnica Disciplina Percorso Esperienza

La teoria muta la realtà che tenta di spiegare. E' una citazione tratta da un libro di Philip Dick, scrittore che più di altri forse ha demistificato le realtà apparenti, ed anche ultime, che a sua volta è probabile abbia citato da altra fonte, forse da Einstein o altro geniaccio della fisica teorica, chissà, però si adatta benissimo ad ogni tentativo che, nel corso di vari momenti, ci capita di mettere in atto per spiegare e spiegarci lo shiatsu, dato che sempre ci sfugge alla fine quel qualcosa che ci sembrava lì, definitivamente a portata di mano. E' riduttivo dire che lo shiatsu sia una tecnica anche se possiede un indubbia componente tecnica. Più appropriato definirlo una disciplina , chi vi si accosta deve sicuramente farlo con rigore, ma anche questo non è sufficiente a definirlo. Lo shiatsu ha carattere proteiforme e cangiante: quando pensi di averne afferrato l'essenza ti accorgi che più avanti scorgi un'altro lampo luminoso che brilla e ti richiama e non farsi illuminare da questo rende meno significativo il percorso fatto fino ad allora...toh! ecco che spunta una definizione più appropriata: percorso . Che sia in effetti un percorso nel vero senso del termine, con cambi continui di vedute e prospettiva è incontestabile, ma anche il termine percorso crea un'immagine limitativa: si va da qui a lì, ma lo shiatsu ti pone talvolta dei cambi di velocità e di posizionamento così radicali che non sempre è identificabile con il termine percorso, per lo meno non nel senso, o nei sensi, comune\i. L'ultimo termine che può venirci in mente che ci aiuti a definirlo, tenendo comunque sempre validi i precedenti tre, è esperienza , e qua sembra che ci siamo un po' di più.
Questo, per chi si accosta per la prima volta alla pratica, può apparire un ragionamento astruso e non pertinente; in fin dei conti, se non lo si collega all'utilizzo che si ritiene si debba fare dello shiatsu, ovvero supportare il nostro ricevente nel raggiungere una miglior condizione psicofisica, probably may in fact be a bit 'a mental exercise useless. So let's give a convincing explanation of what is suggested before and we also try to coincide it with our practical needs.
Shiatsu, why has his sharp efficiency, necessity, and technical specifications of the prerogatives of the kind of pressure to be implemented, ie perpendicular , consistency and maintenance of gesture, as well as its ability to penetrate , also has a prerogative to mount on the mental and psychological state of those who practice, or the availability , or rather, the available. Between availability and provision, although the terms interchangeably, there is a substantial difference: where the availability expresses a mood in which the will of the subject is crucial in guiding the direction in which you believe you can mitigate or having some form of defense of the self to be able to implement an exchange of any kind outside apparently without, or with a few conditions (it is said, with a subjective statement, made available) which indicates, in all cases and a perspective naturally and humanely selfish, considering the pros and cons that it is possible to make a fruitful exchange of any kind ever, with minimal risk (Should always be wary of those who too casually announces his being available as an ethical value), the provision , a characteristic objective, represents unconditional openness to experience 360 \u200b\u200bdegrees to become involved in specific or vague, beyond a statement speculative give and take, since the precise knowledge that any experience, and experience all the more desired and sought, will always be important gains in terms of evolution, transformation and change, and this is the experience of ' another, and another mean in this context, our receiver, in the practice of shiatsu. If we are ben disposti, il nostro ricevente rappresenterà un’esperienza unica ed irripetibile che ci arricchirà di conoscenza al pari di un viaggio in una terra lontana e misteriosa, e come noi cambiamo e ci trasformiamo quando sperimentiamo qualcosa di unico ed irripetibile, come appunto sa chi ha affrontato un viaggio, non da turista oppure anche da turista, in un paese dove è rimasto coinvolto in usanze assai diverse dalle proprie ed abituali, ma il paragone può beninteso essere esteso a qualsiasi esperienza particolare che continuamente la vita ci offre, così cambiamo e ci trasformiamo nel praticare lo shiatsu ogniqualvolta la nostra disposizione è al massimo grado limpida, disinteressata ed elemento di soddisfazione. Quindi every time we experience the other, however, other experiments we also mirrored in a single continuum energy, with the right provision is due, we will change and transform, at least insofar as we are willing to involve the consequence that whenever we change and transform the experience next face often so radically different from the previous year and at this point it is obvious that, referring back to what was said at the beginning of the paragraph, namely that "the theory changes the fact that attempts to explain" , is rather difficult to systematize and theorize groped in full practice of shiatsu. They leave a very useful and profitable, however, il noto consiglio di non confondere mai la mappa con il territorio che descrive, come ogni buon viaggiatore, o buon turista, beninteso, ha provato sulla sua persona…..OK se l'avete ben digerita.... buon viaggio e buono shiatsu .