Monday, October 13, 2008

Nursing Qualities Essay

Che cos'è lo Shiatsu

Shiatsu in Japanese means literally "press with your fingers," and this essentially is performed during a Shiatsu treatment: The operator shall implement, on the body of the person who receives them lying on the ground on a "tatami" a range of pressures mainly are made with the thumb, but also with the other fingers, the palms of the hands, with fists and sometimes with the elbow or the knee. Pressure is made by alternating the position prone, supine, lateral or sitting position depending on the needs of the moment. Rarely these pressures are painful because this is not its purpose. This is not to intervene on a pathological condition or reduce a contracture or inflammation but rather to follow the path along the body of one or more meridians of energy involved in phase imbalance is not properly diffuse energy within their competence and can create the above situations. We have mentioned the word "meridians" because SHIATSU is certainly paying the full therapeutic culture represented by the Traditional Chinese Medicine through the mapping of the human body in 12 main meridians, plus other side, gives us an incredible framework for the interpretation of the concept of health and offers a variety of therapeutic methods the best known of which is certainly acupuncture. The analogy ends here, however, because if acupuncture is truly therapeutic act, shiatsu is offered as a source of support mechanism to ensure that the sophisticated human beings to find the strength and the ability to autoriequilibrarsi through the release of the tensions that impede it. The pressures are taken at right angles to the axis of SHIATSU corpo e vengono mantenute ciascuna per alcuni secondi e, con il particolare ritmo che assume il trattamento, possono provocare un lieve torpore a cui è consigliato di non opporsi. Rilassarsi è la parola d’ordine, solo così si avrà la possibilità di mettere in moto una serie di processi biochimici che attenueranno gli effetti dello stress continuo a cui siamo sottoposti, troppo spesso a nostra insaputa, oltre limiti pericolosi. Lo SHIATSU si riceve vestiti: è opportuno indossare abiti leggeri possibilmente senza cerniere o bottoni per non ostacolare l’azione dell’operatore. E’ meglio effettuarlo a digiuno o dopo uno spuntino leggero lontano comunque da caffè, alcolici o altre sostanze alteranti.E’ molto useful in pregnancy as well as in situations of emotional distress. Is not an alternative, indeed can be partly compensated for a possible drug therapy for those who receive it. (table extensions Masunaga meridian traditional)

Without further into the explanation of concepts related to energy distribution and its balance, difficult to conceive of the Western culture even if easily verifiable, as we highlight the contributions SHIATSU substantial and immediate benefits to the circulatory system as blood and this has an obvious action on the lymphatic drainage of excess fluids. E 'contra a chi ha forme degenerative gravi, ferite non rimarginate, a chi è nella fase acuta di un trauma o a chi ha febbre alta.Di solito occorrono 5\6 sedute per avvertire gli effetti benefici dello SHIATSU ma talvolta anche una sola può bastare a rendere l’idea. Accostatevi senza timore a questa pratica che riflette millenni di saggezza orientale diretta al benessere psicofisico dell’individuo.
Sarete sicuramente in “ buone mani”

( Massaggiatore Cinese di Anma probabilmente in una fumeria d'oppio - primi '900 )



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