Thursday, November 6, 2008

What Taste Good With Boudin Sausage


E 'happened last night in Mortlake
UDINE worker dies, crushed by gears
The injury within the 'Lombardo Spa' which produces chipboard. La vittima aveva 56 anni. Secondo una prima ricostruzione l'uomo era intento al controllo delle operazioni di svuotamento di un silos quando, per cause in corso di accertamento, è caduto nel serbatoio
UDINE - Ancora una tragedia del lavoro, vittima un operaio di 56 anni. L'ennesimo infortunio è avvenuto alle due di questa notte a Mortegliano, in provincia di Udine, all'interno dello stabilimento della ditta 'Lombardo S.p.a.' che produce pannelli di truciolato.
The worker, Severino Zinzone, died crushed by the gears. According to a first reconstruction provided by the Carabinieri of Udine, dall'apposita platform was intended to control the emptying of silos used for the manufacture of chipboard, when, for reasons being ascertained, fell into the tank in the middle of the gears, dying instantly.
Personnel 118 Udine and fire brigade have taken to the recovery of body parts. The body was then reassembled at the mortuary of the cemetery at Mortlake, at the disposal of the Judiciary.
The silo was seized. On the site of the accident was taken to the operating unit safety and prevention of workplace health services company in Udine.
01 \\ 11 \\ 2008


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