Friday, September 24, 2010

Indigent Dental Clinic Florida

Io volevo solo stampare la tesi

We can do this in human skin is bound to € 20. Then double in the words cost 20 cents more, I'll print the paper they will be passed under luce lunare e se vuoi mettere un capello di Federico II i prezzi lievitano. Eh? Come la stampiamo questa tesi?

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rehydration Salt Sugar

La giornata tipo della tesista

Ore 8.00 Canillo si approssima al mio letto cercando di attirare la mia attenzione a suon di "woof" e grattatine. Se si arrende se ne va, altrimenti rimane lì a fissarmi dormire e con l'unico intento di svegliarmi.
Ore 8.30 La vecchiaccia con la suoneria isterica inizia a ricevere telefonate a cui risponde "Bronto?" e deve parlare esclusivamente sul suo balcone (in camera mia cioè) con la sua soave voce da strega di Biancaneve.
Ore 9.00 Ritiro sacchetti della differenziata con canto degli addetti including (I know they receive an incentive, not explained).
10.00 am Awakening of the infant and its mother on the ground floor. The baby is named Gennaro, I know for sure, I can not be wrong.
10.00-12.00 Background of vacuum cleaners, chairs moved and slamming doors. Relative calm. Hours 12:00 to 14:00
E 'the time of the food. With reference to the screams of the cave for the puppies, Beautiful background and Tg over the decibels allowed by human endurance.
Hours 14:00 to 16:00 hours The preferred Oronzo and wife to quarrel. They, too, that apostrophised respectively unrepeatable epithets that are certainly not "credino" and "perdindirindina" and are strictly out door. Otherwise it's whim. As an alternative to or in support Oronzo and wife to the same symphony is the guy with the green car pea. He has to recharge the battery of that car with a broken carburetor, under my window. And it leaves the Genius in motion two hours. His excuse is that: micalofatuttiigiorni . Clear.
16.00-19.00 While her son, Gennaro, playing with pots and Cuppini football tournament starts alternately or bike ride jailbirds adorable miniature throughout the district. Always strictly under my window. The bounce of the ball is peppered with talk about the mothers of gay members their respective teams. Sometimes the sisters are also involved in discussions.
20.00 before dinner and not having enough smaronato, is healthy and just take the scooter model noisy and roam up and down.
22:00 pm After dinner, the tournament resumes or race. unabated. And sin 'criatura song and' god .

I am convinced that Hemingway wrote The Old Man and the Sea exactly the same conditions. I'm sure, in fact I envy.