Thursday, February 25, 2010

How To Extend Outlets For Backsplash


Alejandra y Sergio Arruda consignee
Tango Querido - Tango Dreams
and Tango Diferente


Professional dancers since 1989, formed mainly by teachers Don Pepito Avellaneda and Antonio Todaro, and perfezionatisi through interaction with other colleagues and historical masters of Tango in Buenos Aires.

In teaching insist on the necessary internalization of the very basics of posture, axis and axis shared individual and the establishment of the relationship of each couple that allows the best possible expression is generated because the "good tango."

They developed a tango expert and knowledgeable, very focused on the experience of the embrace in the pair, while not forgetting some reference acrobatic . The focus of Sergio and Alejandra focuses particularly on posture, walk, report, dissociation and rhythm that are strictly adhered to in any proposed change. In their performances in the classroom and show personal energy and generosity more than ample resources and expressive. Alejandra years is famous for its lessons TECHNICAL WOMEN, many of his students (Lucia Mazer, Alejandra Hobert, ...) have for years been on the international circuit.


Saturday, March 6 15:00 to 16:15 hours - Tango - beginner / intermediate level
hug, ironing, walking technique
and the codes of the milonga.
; Simple figure in the embrace
hours 16:30 to 17:45 - milonga - Intermediate / Advanced
; milonga with traspiè and backbeat;
differenza di interpretazione
                              in base alla velocità del brano
ore 18.00 19.30 - tango - livello intermedio/avanzato 
                             D'Arienzo tango rhythm, and enrosque
; boleos for small spaces in milonga

Sunday, March 7 hours 15:00 to 16:15 - tango - intermediate / advanced level
sequenza con colgadas nell'abbraccio
                              e sacas dell'uomo e della donna
ore 16.30 -17.45 - vals - livello intermedio/avanzato
                              changes of direction, and fluid dynamics
with musical interpretation

hours 18:00 to 7:15 p.m. Technique for WOMEN
hours 18:00 to 19:00 Technique for men (in separate room)

Gli stage si terranno presso la Palestra Putinati - via Boccacanale n. 3 - Ferrara

(ingresso 12,00€ - 10,00 € per chi partecipa a stages)

Musicalizza Robertino


1 stage 20,00 €
2 stages 35,00 €
3 stages 50,00 €
4 stages 60,00 €
Tecniche  12,00€