Thursday, July 9, 2009

Motorola Star Choice Remote Programming


superfluous, ornamental, little more than an ornament. males would be condemned to this with the possibility - as announced by researchers at Newcastle - in the laboratory to create sperm from stem cells.
As always in the face of new discoveries in biology, it is difficult to say whether or not to be happy in the face of what seems more than a scientific discovery un ulteriore passo per l’autonomia delle donne (ai limiti dell’autarchia). Le fanciulle infatti ora potranno fare a meno del maschio per riprodursi, tanto più visto che gli scienziati inglesi sostengono di poter ottenere spermatozoi anche dalle staminali femminili.
Per gli uomini si tratta di un colpo mortale: per altre ragioni si stavano già avviando a diventare sempre meno indispensabili, ma a questo punto vedono sancito il loro ruolo meramente decorativo anche dal punto di vista biologico, mentre il sogno femminista di un mondo di sole donne diventa plausibile.
Rischia di diventare ambiguo and even the nebulous concept of authorship (never been very clear to tell the truth), although some difficulties for the children, which at best could call a father still. A real tragedy that will ultimately increase the already high bar in the lazy men immortalized by the man so lazy he married a pregnant woman.
I do not deny the benefits from a medical point of view and to combat infertility, but if there was a task for which we thought that women could not do without at least one of us was the drone. But if even that fails, we're doing? So two feet I can think of only parking automotive and DIY.
Di Giuseppe Morello
08 \\ 07 \\ 2009
* * Note to Readers
In the article are highlighted (in red ) sentences with the highest content misandry.