Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sore Breasts Post Menstruation


Incidenti nel percorso casa-lavoro riguardano donne al 46,1%
ROMA - Subiscono meno infortuni degli uomini, perche' lavorano in settori piu' sicuri: nel 2007 solo un incidente su 4 ha riguardato una donna . Cioe' circa 250 mila infortuni su un totale di 910 mila. Anche se l'occupazione femminile corrisponde a quasi il 40% del totale (9 milioni su un totale di 23. Emerge dai dati Inail sulla base di dati Istat. In particolare, nella distribuzione degli incidenti durante il percorso casa-lavoro, gli infortuni che riguardano le donne si attestano al 46,1%.

Quando si analizzano i numeri di una tragedia, se questa colpisce in modo maggioritario una certa categoria di persone, allora si evidenzia il fatto (per far capire chi maggiormente รจ stato colpito) da tale dramma. Nella questione degli infortuni sul lavoro, invece, not highlighting the fact that the vast majority of accidents ( 4 to 1 ) are are men. Instead, it focuses attention on the Status of Women, who represent (1 to 4 ). Priority is given to the quality injuries. [The site was inspired by an article ]

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SOCIETY: FAREWELL TO MEN boring and predictable,
ROMA - Women rich, very rich that challenge the moral and loves to grant payment. Escort educated, arrogant, most crooks and noticed collectors mature ladies looking for pleasure strong, with credit cards and property due to make her shiver. The couple, traditional, and 'already' broken for some time. We are looking for new emotions. Especially among the fairer sex. How 'happened between Susanne Klatten, daughter of Herbert Quandt, the daughter of the BMV and recasts Helg Sgarbi, gigolo' by profession, framed by frau Klatten, weary after years of blackmailing her lover. Six years in prison, a public apology to the ladies involved and the forgiveness of his wife, the mother of his child of 6 years. A growing phenomenon, the research spasmodic gigolo ', escort or accompanying officers, complaining of malaise atavistic desire to escape, escape from daily routine or just a way to challenge them. According to psychologist and founder of the 'School of Survival for the couple,' Vito Frugis, ''unfortunately many things have changed explanation -Men, do not hide it, they have become boring, predictable, unimaginative, incapable to surprise a woman. A situation that has generated discomfort among women - he adds - The emancipation of women has also contributed to growing phenomenon. Meeting a gigolo 'for many women is still the mystery, the pleasures of courtship, the gallantry of manner, the excitement of the first meeting ... Prelude to sexual pleasure.'' According to Vito Frugis there 'another factor to be reckoned with. With their'' gigolo 'every woman can' have an important power derived from wealth, money, basically subverting the roles. First was the man who 'pay', can now 'be the opposite. A revenge so strong sex - explains the well-known psychologist - the desire to feel young and desirable again pushing many ladies, now mature, and even married mothers happy, to defy his fate and public morality, knowing that they will 'never forever. Resigned, almost the inevitability 'of this report, the illusion of fleeting moments of happiness' with casual partners.''
15 \\ 03 \\ 2009
SOURCE: IlTempo (